The American Playwriting Foundation (David Bar Katz, Founding Artistic Dir) and Building for the Arts (David J Roberts, President; Jeffrey A Horwitz, Board Chair) have announced the winner of the 2024 Relentless Award, MANAKIN by Dave Harris. Harris will receive a $50,000 prize as well as developmental opportunities to be announced. "Manakin" is a wedding story. But not just any wedding— this one brings together four generations for the union of Son and Daughter. Son and Daughter are getting married, just like their parents before them, and their parents before them. Oh, and this wedding is also a Satanic invocation. All the vessels are poised to spill. More than 1,200 plays were submitted for this year’s award. The winning play was selected by a panel of judges including Eric Bogosian, Thomas Bradshaw, Aleshea Harris, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, David Bar Katz, Lynn Nottage, Brontez Purnell, Jonathan Marc Sherman, Lloyd Suh, and Lucy Thurber. The jury also awarded $2,000 prizes to three finalists: "My Father Was Shot in the Back of the Head" by Gloria Majule; "The Good Boy Game" by Patrick Vermillion; and "The TeeTee & Lala Show" by Donja R. Love. The winning and finalist plays will be honored at a ceremony on Mon Oct 21st at Theatre Row. A limited number of $20 tickets are available for purchase at https://bfany.org/theatre-row/shows/the-2024-relentless-award-celebration. Next year’s Relentless Award will be given to a full-length musical. Submissions are expected to open later this year. Press contact: Jim Byk/The Press Room (212/763-7724)...