HERE Appoints Jesse Cameron Alick, Annalisa Dias, Lanxing Fu, and Lauren Miller as Co-Directors

July 16, 2024
HERE Appoints Jesse Cameron Alick, Annalisa Dias, Lanxing Fu, and Lauren Miller as Co-Directors

The Board of Directors of HERE, has announced the appointment of Jesse Cameron Alick, Annalisa Dias, Lanxing Fu, and Lauren Miller as co-directors of the institution. The Co-Directors will collaboratively take on the artistic and executive leadership of the organization, overseeing the various functions of the organization and bringing each of their individual passions, skills, and artistry to nurture the vision of HERE as a whole. In 1993, four artists, Barbara Busackino, Tim Maner, Kristin Marting, and Randy Rollison, co-founded HERE as a  welcoming community that delights in supporting and launching a variety of artists with unique perspectives.  That vision and artist-centered mission has continued under Marting who is stepping down this month from her role as Founding Artistic Director to make room for this new generation of leadership. Details on HERE’s 2024-2025 season will be announced soon.
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